2024年,我们迎来第九届来自42个国家的同学们。在各界人士的支持下,学生们有机会在更广阔的平台探索中国、拓展国际视野。今年,书院首次组织多达九个Deep Dive支队在全国各地开展社会调查。学生们第一次有机会自己主导实践调研。这些尝试都进一步实践了“体验式学习”的培养理念。
薛 澜 院长
司爱敏 苏世民教育基金会首席执行官
潘庆中 常务副院长
钱小军 副院长
孟启扬 副院长
Dear faculty, students, colleagues, and friends:
As time goes on, the chimes of a new year ring once again. On behalf of the Schwarzman College, we want to extend our warmest New Year wishes to all of you.
In 2024, we welcomed the 9th cohort from 42 countries. With everyone's support, students had the opportunity to explore China on a broader platform and expand their international perspectives. The college organized nine teams for the Deep Dive, conducting social surveys across the country. For the first time, students took the lead in designing and conducting their own mini-Deep Dives, advancing our commitment to experiential learning in meaningful ways.
Our alumni network continues to flourish, with the addition of the 8th cohort bringing the total to over 1,000 alumni across more than 90 countries and regions. With 19 city-based alumni hubs worldwide, our graduates excel in diverse fields such as global affairs, business, education, public policy, and technological innovation, making significant contributions to international collaboration and exchange.
As we turn the page to a new chapter, we eagerly anticipate the arrival of the 10th cohort. Looking ahead to 2025, we remain committed to our mission of "Rooted in China and Embracing the World," as we work together to rise to future challenges and stride confidently into a new era of growth and opportunity.
Finally, we once again express our gratitude for your unwavering support of Schwarzman College. May the new year bring you happiness, health, and prosperity!
Lan Xue, Dean
Amy Stursberg, CEO of SASEF
David Q. Pan, Executive Dean
June Qian, Associate Dean
Raphael X. Moffett, Associate Dean